Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Are some parent punishments good or bad?

Benjamin Button Special the 10 year old kid that got a wonderful haircut for getting a wonderful hair cut
(Link: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh0qlA-3HOvZi9-_UdmnPGV5fkiHcJ_6WWcOhbmLwJHrxn8zKZ92V3M4KN58nynifRH0Sd2wlEH4CuMltPPQ7lqoR-QsqbbYL3KGj19kPuYFwuTS5xxtlOYdaQkPIq0J3Ev6O6kU9toeyzZ/s1600/1496661_10153079798928809_4229159835044324125_n.png)
When kids disobey their parents, they end up getting a punishment. This is used to teach their
children that these behaviors are unacceptable within the household. Most punishment
comes in the form of lectures or grounding, but some parents may take it to the extremes when
it comes to punishment. One of the examples of these extreme punishments is a mom yelling at
her daughter who is at the age of 11 for having Facebook. Another one is of a dad shooting his
daughter’s laptop and posting it on you tube, but recently a mother decided to give a weird
haircut to her 10 year old child because of very bad grades. The hair cut that she had given to
her child is really shocking and ugly to be honestly. Is this method good or bad? This method
does teach kids to not disobey, but I think that this is too much. It will mentally scar the child
which is not good. I feel like this is not the right way to tell your kids not to do this or that, It’s
just really rude to do this and it might make the child feel like nothing, or they might think that
their parents might not care about them, but only what they get like good grads. This method
will affect child in both good and bad ways, however they will listen because they are afraid of
these parents. I don’t think any parent would like their child to be afraid of them. I feel that the
parents that give okay punishment are better than the ones that give extreme punishment.
These extremes punishments do get the job done, but it will hurt the child a lot. This is wrong;
this isn’t how parents should treat their child. This is what I think and I think most people would
agree with me. So in the end I think that this way of punishing the child is wrong and is too
much for them.


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