Thursday, June 4, 2015

Blogs that I have comment on ^€^

AI’s are improving society

Computer of this time period 

Technology has been improving society every century.  It has helped the human race in many such as; vehicles which gives humans the ability to travel many destinations. Additionally, technology  is used to cook food whenever someone is hungry or whenever there are left overs. Between the years 2008 – 2015, technology has increased significantly from 3 millions users to 7 million. Modern devices have contributed a vast amount of people  and therefore, have proven humans to be an accessible product. Technology has also helped us communicate with other individuals around the world,  through using cellphones. As new users start their journey of modern devices, the network behind these AI’s increases. For example a cellphone, needs these artificial intelligences,  to make these products work. With the phones we use today, there will always be an AI, no matter what. One of the many AI examples is Steve jobs company, the apple phone called Siri. Citizens use these AI’s to interrogate questions for research or perhaps the directions to a certain place. Recently scientists have determined that in 50 years, AI’s will have the thinking abilities of a living human. This is an incredible discovery,  but would it be like the movies where technology will go against man kind? Most likely not however, with this change of modern commutation, society would have to adapt to their new environment. The way humans interact and speak will develop a whole new technique, due to these artificial intelligences.  I believe communication with technology would be easier, because there would be more connections to distant individuals and easy accessibilities to the World Wide Web. But then we have to face the consequences of the desensitization of man kind, as we are blinded by true social interactions. Additionally, we will become more dependent on technology, than other humans and there will be a decrease of interaction, as AI’s start to produce rapidly. With the change of technology, humans would depend on devices and they would believe  it needs to be a necessity in daily life. I feel that technology is taking over, and within 50 years,  a lot of society will be fully emerged in this tech. It is great to improve communication, but it will take an effect on to the people. This is what I stand firm for, these are my beliefs.  The affect on to the world all depends on these artificial intelligence, and how humans adapt to this new environment.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Too far too late

Two man standing in front.One with the truck while the other one with a car

As we sit on the big comfy couch, getting our snacks ready for the movie or the show, then
commercials pop out and the whole excitement from the show is gone down the drain.
Commercials’ purpose is to sell their products, but some can be really weird, good or horrible.
Some commercials take things too far when presenting their products. Recently there was a
commercial for a car company that was trying to sell their trucks. The commercial was
comparing two photos, one with a guy in front of a sliver car and the other was of the same
person except the vehicle was changed to a red truck. Groups of people were asked who was
more handsome, the guy with the truck or the guy with the car. This hurt many male audiences
who were watching this commercial, same thing to women, if there was a commercial about
how you look whether if you are pretty, handsome or whatever, all of us would get hurt. Same
thing applies if a commercial has some racism thing, we would get hurt. This car commercial
has hurt the male audiences even if though its target was the male audience which is ironic.
This commercial questions what is handsome, and it questions if material possessions really
make a man more handsome.
What I think is that it doesn’t matter? Isn’t it better if you find a person you like that has a
better personality than any other guy you met before? It doesn’t matter how this person looks
or what they have. It matters how people act and respect each other. This commercial is saying
that if you have this item you will look better then you do.  I go against this, I don’t agree with
how this company presents their product and I don’t agree with the way they try to bring young
and old male audiences to buy this products to become more appealing towards society. I
believe what makes a man handsome is there personality not there looks or the materials they
have. Commercials have gone too far and it is too late to fix this so audiences will have to keep
watching things like this.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Are some parent punishments good or bad?

Benjamin Button Special the 10 year old kid that got a wonderful haircut for getting a wonderful hair cut
When kids disobey their parents, they end up getting a punishment. This is used to teach their
children that these behaviors are unacceptable within the household. Most punishment
comes in the form of lectures or grounding, but some parents may take it to the extremes when
it comes to punishment. One of the examples of these extreme punishments is a mom yelling at
her daughter who is at the age of 11 for having Facebook. Another one is of a dad shooting his
daughter’s laptop and posting it on you tube, but recently a mother decided to give a weird
haircut to her 10 year old child because of very bad grades. The hair cut that she had given to
her child is really shocking and ugly to be honestly. Is this method good or bad? This method
does teach kids to not disobey, but I think that this is too much. It will mentally scar the child
which is not good. I feel like this is not the right way to tell your kids not to do this or that, It’s
just really rude to do this and it might make the child feel like nothing, or they might think that
their parents might not care about them, but only what they get like good grads. This method
will affect child in both good and bad ways, however they will listen because they are afraid of
these parents. I don’t think any parent would like their child to be afraid of them. I feel that the
parents that give okay punishment are better than the ones that give extreme punishment.
These extremes punishments do get the job done, but it will hurt the child a lot. This is wrong;
this isn’t how parents should treat their child. This is what I think and I think most people would
agree with me. So in the end I think that this way of punishing the child is wrong and is too
much for them.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Over the top tweets

                                                   The picture of the twitter logo
 (Link to the image

Many people use technology everywhere to call, to text and they even use it for
homework and taking pictures. There are many uses for it and if there is use to connect
other people, of course there will be social media. There’s Facebook, Instagram, my
space and Twitter. We are all connected, but sometimes something that shouldn’t have
gone on the Internet goes up. In Canada snow storms happen a lot. In the winter there
was a snow storm in Canada. Most of the time when there’s a snow storm the schools
will close down for the day  because of the harsh wind and snow building up, but then
the TCDSB tweeted that school will be up and won’t be cancelled. Most kids or teen that
dislike lost their opportunity to miss school after reading this. With this the school
continue to stay open. Threats and violence are used by students. Cursing was also
used towards the TCDSB; some students got caught from this twitter activity. There
were a lot of effects from the students within social media. Also the reporter who
reported this got mean tweets even though this person had done nothing
involving this issue. Social media has affected us so much that we believe that we
have the power to put someone down through the Internet. It seems that no one will find
out who is behind the screen that causes so many people to get hurt. With technology
we feel empowered to be able to do this to person because we are not in front of the
person right now. If we are in front of them we feel that we are not powerful enough to
say those things toward the person. Through the Internet, we don't have to see the
person’s face and this makes us feel that we are not hurting a human being. We know
that we are, but we don't have that feeling of if it’s right or not. In the students defense, it
might be that they want rest from the work loads, or they might just want to have a
break, but they don't have to do it in hurtful ways that will hurt others. I believe we’ve
become more violent thanks to technology. It takes us farther apart from others. We are
more focused on technology then a person’s interaction, it has pros and cons. I believed
that technology is the one that creates fewer connections and creates more violence
toward groups of people.